Honig's is honored to be associated with the following officiating partners that we highly recommend anytime! Please check them out!

Any game, any level, any sport – WE’RE HERE FOR YOU. We are the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO). We are the men and women who keep sports played everywhere fair and safe.

Link: https://www.naso.org/

NASO Sports Officiating Summit - Riverside, California - July 30-August 1, 2023

ArbiterSports...The Leader in Athletic Event Management!

MIBTonline.com - The Leader In Sports Officiating Training!

PhillyRef.com - Basketball Officiating Rules, News and Resources (Local, National, and International)

PhillyRef.com - Basketball Officiating Rules, News and Resources (Local, National, and International)

Link: https://phillyref.com

Basketball Referee Camps

READY REF - Control of Game Timing at Your Fingertips

SAVE OUR SPORTS - To help people develop and prosper in health, wellness, professionally, and personally through the journey of being a sports official.